As we started our potty training, I prepared for the worse, I knew this was not going to be an easy accomplishment. A lot of people said "I wouldn't waste your time, wait until he's 3", "boys are harder to train, it's gonna be a lot of work". I envisioned myself on my knees like a very pregnant Cinderella scrubbing pee off the floor. Thankfully Armanno set out to prove me and everyone else wrong! This boy was a champion, he put on those big boy underwear and never looked back. I stood by in amazement and thought finally we got something right and it went smoothly. Still to this day I recommend the book "The Potty Book for Boys", we read this for a couple of months prior to potty training and Armanno loved it.
I say "potty training", but we decided to skip the potty and go straight to the toilet. Armanno was successfully potty trained at 23.5 months and I count myself lucky!
With toilet training came some other changes like no longer taking naps, this was a sad day in our house. No naps, how would I ever get anything done? When would I ever get to nap myself? The baby was going to be here in less then 2 months, really not a good time to decide against naps!
Well I came up with what I thought was a brilliant idea, quiet time! We did it in the youth homes so I could do that, have Armanno play in his room with some toys and if he wanted to nap then he could. If you remember from my previous blogs, Armanno never played with toys. So I tried it the first few times he rolled around on his bed with his blanket and eventually fell asleep. Great this is working I thought, as long as I don't call it a nap we're good to go! Well the new found freedom of playing in his own room was novel for him. After a few days he got bored and would pull all the clothing out of his drawers and rip up books and chew on the pages like they were gum! I went into check on him and there he was not rolling on his bed but rather on a pile of clean now unfolded clothes with little balls if saliva soaked pages from our favorite books. I decided to give up on the quiet time, just wasn't worth it. I might as well get used to not sleeping anyways because before too long I would be a zombie with the new baby(Emilio), and that definately became the case!
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